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Taselon Computer Service

PC & Mac Computer Consulting

Having problems with your Computer?

PCMAC 9000 "I'm sorry, I can't do that right now..."I can Help!

I do PC and Mac Computer Consulting
for the Franklin County area.

I have over 25 years experience in the
computer industry, dealing with
both hardware and software.

I can help with:
General Consulting
Upgrades & Backups
Web Site Design
Training and Education

For more information,
click here to email me at ian(at)taselon(dot)com

or call (413) 772-9813



the fine print

Ian A. Ralph D/B/A Taselon Computer Services, Shelburne, MA. "The Healer of Taselon", "City of Shadows", "The Demons of Taselon", "Vampires of Dawn", ""The Wedding", Taselon.com site design and layout, plus all other content within the Taselon.com domain not otherwise marked is ©2000-2014 Ian A. Ralph.

Ian A. Ralph
ian -at- taselon -dot- com